customer story
Housing corporations gain control over the reporting process with RAPP
Periodic reports. It is a necessary, but time-consuming part of the daily work for many housing corporations. RAPP is the time-saving reporting tool with which housing corporations prepare their reports more efficiently and effictively. Mattie van de Kragt of Vincio Wonen talks about his experience with the RAPP tool.
RAPP is the tool that saves us a lot of time
For housing corporations periodic reports cost a lot of time that they would like to spend differently. Ponthus/PWCo developed the RAPP reporting tool which puts the efficient and correct delivery of reports within reach. Mattie van de KRagt is the driving force behind the RAPP project within Vincio Wonen and talks about their experiences.
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A reporting tool according to our needs
Just like any housing corporation, Vincio Wonen must periodically prepare reports for management and accountability. “We have the same mandatory obligations for our external supervisors as larger corporations. We needed a tool that could help us with collecting data and compiling reports in and efficient and correct manner. The tool can store the data from the ERP system and other data sources and combines this information into the requested reports. As the driving force behind this project, I started to inventorize what information is needed and what we need to report on, by speaking to my employees. I transfered these wishes to Ponthus/PWCo and they started preparing the RAPP tool so that the required information can be retrieved from our systems. I also looked at what our employees need to use the tool independently, because in the end the goal is that we can do it ourselves.”
Why does the RAPP work well?
RAPP is a reporting tool that collects all data, needed to create the reports, in one place. The desired reporting period and the responsible employee can be assigned for each indicator, after which the employee only has to enter the figures periodically. “Employees receive an email and acces to the RAPP in which they have to enter the data that we asked for. Because RAPP saves everything, you can always fall back on it. I no longer have to chase everything, all roles and responsibilities are clear for the employees. Everyone is positive about the RAPP, mainly because it gives peace of mind, reduces the work stress and it works much more effiicently. No more Excel files, no more copying data, just one place where everything comes together.”
Get more results with the RAPP
Mattie sees many more possibilites for the reporting tool. “The intention is to also use RAPP for tactical and strategic purposes and to be able to adjust in a timely manner in the event of deviations. For example, if a budget is being exceeded, early profit warnings can ensure that we can take measures to adjust in time. Of course, that also demands something from us as employees, because you really have to look at trends and how they develop. We also have to be focused on where and how we can intervene. As a smaller corporation we are used to having employees who fulfill different roles. I see that RAPP and the collaboration with Ponthus/PWCo will take our organization much further.